Street Photography in Ethiopia
I did a lot of street photography in Ethiopia but it was constrained and the picture it paints is kind of grim. By “constrained” I mean that I did almost none at night, and most of the street photography I did was from inside a moving vehicle. By “grim” I mean that the overwhelming impression I get from this section of photographs is that of poverty. This should not be taken as “what Ethiopia is like.”
This set of images were taken from the Mercato district in Addis Ababa.

Ant Merging With Traffic
We saw people carrying incredible loads in the Mercato.

Snack Seller
One of zillions of people trying to sell things to passing cars.

VW Tomatoes
One of two 70s VW buses I saw Ethiopia. Selling tomatoes at the market. I don’t know what the people are doing inside the bus.

Banana sellers

Woman buying rope

Heavy Load
This was not taken from a vehicle but from a foray into the Mercato on foot. I’m surprised I didn’t see more people with facial expressions like this.

Loose Mules
We saw lots of mules on the street in Addis Ababa, but no others were running loose like these two.
The following images were also taken in Addis Ababa.

Mannequin Slide
We saw lots of mannequins, including many types I’d never seen before.

Street Sleeper

Old Car
This was near the St. George Cathedral.

Fruit Stand
Taken from a moving vehicle at night with my iPhone.

Woman with log

Sleeping Woman
Near Emperor Menelik’s old palace behind the Entoto Maryam Church in the Entoto Mountains overlooking Addis

Street Construction
There was lots of construction of all types going on in Addis Ababa.
Street photography from other parts of Ethiopia.

Lalibela Tuktuk
A night photograph taken outside a Tej bar in Lalibela

Going to Church
In Wukro, they’re dressed up for Timkat and going to church.

Tying down the legs
This is in downtown Wukro.

This is a building in the Tigray region near Mekele.

Another colorful building in the Tigray region.