Night's Quiet Light - Have you ever strolled through a familiar, comfortable neighborhood late on a warm summer night under a full moon and felt that sense of excitement as everything is illuminated in quietness and cloaked in strangeness? You feel as if you were a cat, eyes and ears and tail twitching, taking in the possibilities of a new world? As a young boy with an early morning paper route in a small town, I often felt this way. Under cover of darkness and in peace, solitude and safety, I explored the empty and silent streets. Alone in my neighborhood during the wee hours of the morning, I wandered through an abandoned theatrical set between acts, free to imagine and wonder at the extraordinary things that might happen in the dark houses and empty streets.
As an adult, I still feel that sense of wonder and expectation in the night world. I explore more widely than I was able to as a child, and I use my camera to capture the sense of strangeness and peace. These photographs reveal the after-hours world illuminated by night's quiet light.