I’ve long been a supporter of LightBox Photographic in Astoria and have been in several Member’s Shows, but for the first time I’ve actually been juried into a show there! And not one, but two pieces! The juror is Jody Miller, whose beautiful work you can see here: www.jodymillerphoto.com.
Jody says this about the show (full description here): “Color is a very personal issue for most of us photographers. It’s also a completely individual experience, since not one of us sees color exactly the same way as anyone else. Our perception of color informs our choices as photographers and creates our emotional language. “Dreaming in Color” is about much more than our dreams. It is an invitation to explore your own uses of color in your photography and tell us how it influences your decisions in image making. I look forward to seeing what you have to say, (in color).”
“Yard Car” is very colorful as one would hope. I love the color, texture and light of this photograph and have worked hard on the print to make it especially tasty. IMO, that doesn’t mean pushing saturation over the top. I have both a mental and technical struggle with oversaturation, a feature of many photographs these days. But I also want it to pop, so instead of relying on saturation I’ve worked on local contrast all throughout the image. I think it came out really well, but I’m biased. :)
Yard Car
“Night Geometry” really hits the mark of the exhibit prospectus: it illustrates the beauty and use of color in my personal photographic space, night photography. This is one of the best examples I’ve shot of the way multiple different colors of light cast overlapping shadows at night, and how those overlaps combine to make new forms, shapes and colors that you’d never see during daylight hours. A technical description of this photograph would be: shadows cast by (I think) three light sources as they combine under a stairway. The artistic description could be: an explosion of geometric shapes in varying shades of pastel colors. This is one of my favorite photographs and I’m delighted to be able to share it.
Night Geometry
I hope you get a chance to see the Dreaming In Color exhibit, it should be an extraordinary and beautiful show. I plan to be at the opening, maybe I’ll see you there!
Exhibit Dates: November 09, 2019 through December 10, 2019 with an opening reception Saturday, November 9th from 5-8PM
1045 Marine Drive, Astoria Oregon