Street Party
In 2010 I and a group of fellow PhotoArts Guild members formed an independent critique group to critique each other’s work and help improve it. We have been meeting monthly ever since and have developed a common critical language based on composition, intent, technique and artistic impact in order to strengthen each member's photography without inhibiting his or her individual creative identity. We all owe a lot of our maturation as artists to the help of this group.
The group, consisting of Rich Bergeman, Phil Coleman, Marjorie Kinch, Bill Laing, Jack Larson, John Morris, Jim Magruder, Dave McIntire (deceased), and myself will be exhibiting in the Corrine Woodman Gallery in the Corvallis Arts Center. The exhibit highlights how artists can benefit from the useful critique of their peers, even when the artistic styles are completely dissimilar.
The Critical Eye
Corrine Woodman Gallery, Corvallis Arts Center
July 2 – 27, 2019
Conversations from the CWG Thursday, July 11th, 12 noon