July 2019 Phlog: Lots of New Material (Finally!) / by John Ritchie

June saw big changes in the John Ritchie world. I now have a lot more free time, I have a new camera, and I’m looking in new directions. This is good for photography and I hope to see big new things coming.

I’ve been on several photo shoots in June and July and here are some of the images I’ve made. I blogged separately about the Cat Park so I won’t repeat myself here.

There’s nothing quite as wholesome as Kids and Armaments. Here are a few photographs from a visit to some old bombers at the airport. Speaking of wholesome, I found a random bit of patriotism in my neighborhood. No, I don’t live in Arizona.

Always a sucker for anthropomorphism, a trip to Thompson’s Flour Mills gave me a chance meet new friends in unexpected places.

I did a little night photography of various kinds as well.

And finally, a couple days spent in Astoria were a lot of fun and a chance for some photographs.