September 2020: Work In the Home / by John Ritchie

Since Covid-19 has restricted travel and social engagement, I’ve been spending a lot of time at home finding interesting topics and things to work on while unable to get out much. This month’s Phlog is a compilation of photos I’ve made in and around the house over the last few months. There are lots of cat photos since Gatsby and I are confined together here.

Updated 9/18: Kitten Portraits added.

Cat Bubbles

This photograph is based on a dream. It took me a long time to figure out how to make this but once I found the bubbles it came together pretty quickly. The bubbles are found inside a glass artwork made by my friend Ben Silver.

Cat Bubbles

Covid Eraserhead

My hair has tended to grow Eraserhead-like so I decided to cultivate the look while I couldn’t get a haircut. Compare to the original Erasehead. The lighting and pose were surprisingly difficult to replicate, it gave me a lot of respect for the original (unknown) photographer. My hair is still growing but I don’t know if I’ll do this again or not, it was a lot of work.

Covid Eraserhead

Random Bits Of Light

When the light is doing something interesting in the house I can’t help but photograph it. Sometimes the photographs make sense, sometimes they’re abstract. These are some of the nice bits of light I see around the house.

Explorer of Smoke

Our town, along with the entire West Coast, experienced thick smoke and hazardous air during the last few days. We were fortunate compared to the towns being burned out and all the people whose homes were destroyed. I used this opportunity to try and capture the ghastly, weird light we experienced. Gatsby helped by volunteering to go out in the bad air, at least for a while. When he came in, he smelled like a campfire.

Kitten Portraits

In the middle of the smoke phase, a friend of mine asked me to come over and help wrangle kittens for photography - she volunteers for the local humane society. In exchange, I also got to photograph kittens! What a great break from being captured inside by smoke!