I’ve been taking fewer photos lately, but the ones I’ve been making have included several that I’m really pleased with. I seem to be doing less of a shotgun approach to photographing these days, turning into more of a sniper. Or perhaps that’s wishful thinking…
This is the most satisfying image I’ve made in a long time. Events, most of which were out of my control, flowed together to form this image - setting, costume, lighting and inspiration. I captured this with a single take on my iPhone and knew it was gold before I looked at it. This is why I do photography.
I titled it “Abduction” but I’m not sure that’s the right title. This photograph is so ambiguous I'm almost afraid to put a title to it because anything I call it will spin it for the viewer. In the end, though, I decided to give it a malevolent spin because that’s the way it works best for me.
Gatsby and Patio
This is a documentary photograph showing the patio roof we had built this summer. The idea for the photo was Carrie’s and she helped wrangle Gatsby while I made it.
Cat In Paradise
This was another single-take photograph. I immediately thought of a painterly, Rousseau-like image when I saw this, so that’s how I’ve processed it. I wanted to bring out the fantastical element, the “animal in Eden” kind of thing.
Jenga Tower
I spent a week by myself in Eastern Oregon dog- and house-sitting for a friend. I channeled my creativity to build successively-higher Jenga towers out of construction scraps. This was my ultimate tower, a 3-legged 14-foot high tower. Although the bird on top blew off, the main tower was still standing a couple weeks after I left.
Keep `em coming
Since I was by myself out in Eastern Oregon I did all my drinking alone. Here I am, keeping a team of bartenders busy at the outdoor bar I built on my friend’s property a few years ago. Salut!