
June 2022: Studying Glass and Light by John Ritchie

I’ve been reading art and photography books lately that are inspiring me to try new things. That, combined with a visual rediscovery of some art glass pieces, prompted me to study lighting, glass and vision to produce these experiments.

Uta Barth’s thoughts on trying to see past the blindness of the accustomed way of seeing one’s own home to find new vision inspired me to play with seeing through the lens of a piece of art glass, as in “Crazy Eyes” below.

Light - Science & Magic” by Hunter, Biver and Fuqua prompted me to set up a lighting studio and play with dark-field lighting of glass, giving me the last two photos. The last photo - “Kelp Bulb,” part of a kelp sculpture - was a surprise, I’d been concentrating so much on lighting that I didn’t really notice the way the reflection makes it look like breasts until I was processing the photos, then it became overwhelmingly obvious.